Civil Engineering is an important aspect of any renewables project

Civil Engineering is an important aspect of any renewables project

SANDY, Utah – If your company develops industrial-scale renewables projects, consider Precision Systems Engineering for your engineering needs. We are a leading engineering and design consulting firm, with over 27 years of experience in power generation and transmission.

This is the second in a series of articles that details the services and capabilities we offer. If you missed the first on electrical engineering, it can be found online at

Civil engineering is the branch of engineering that deals with the physical environment, both natural and man-made. The civil engineering process typically begins with a site survey to establish local topography and identify possible terrain hazards. Also included at an early phase is a geotechnical investigation and report, which establishes the suitability of the existing soils to support the proposed installation.

After the preliminary investigation is completed, any or all of the following civil items may be included, depending on your project-specific requirements:

  • Layout and design of access roads,
  • Drainage system design,
  • Erosion control system design
  • Site grading and other required earthwork,
  • O&M building layout and design,
  • Foundation design (pads or piles),
  • Fencing layout,
  • Preparation of necessary documentation, including:
    • Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP),
    • Preliminary construction drawings for review, and/or
    • Final construction drawings for jurisdictional approval
  • … and more!

PSE is proud to announce a new business partnership with HECO Engineers, a dedicated civil engineering firm, to expand our capabilities and serve you better! HECO is staffed by highly experienced and qualified engineers, and has over 36 years’ experience in the field of civil engineering. We invite you to visit their website at to learn more. Between our two firms, we have professional civil licenses available in California, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming.

We will be a reliable, down-to-earth partner for your civil engineering work, allowing you to focus your effort on your business’s own unique core competencies. If you are interested in working with us on upcoming renewables projects, please call 801-943-5555, and ask for Trevor – or reach out by email to We look forward to hearing from you soon.